Crypto Platform
Token sales is complete. The technologies
is secure and distribute to the entire world.
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Crowdsale Closed!
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Token sale stats
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Total contribution:
14,831,449 USD
People’s Republic of China (except for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan), South Korea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Crimea Region, Beijing.
stay in touch
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New York Pre-ICO
Token Sale
Initial Platform Development
Cryptic (the game) design completeDistribution & Node
Cryptic official launch
Cryptic community functionality
Platform and all games localized into 5+ languagesInfinity Platform
Cryptic wallet launch
Cryptic (the game) official launch
Cryptic platform opens to 3rd party developerListed on Exchange
10-12 blockchain games launched on platform
Platform and all games localized into 15+ languagesGenesis Block
Migration to next-generation blockchain
15-30 blockchain games launched on platformIntegration
Integration of interoperable unified health records, zero-knowledge storage, and blockchain permissions.
Network Expansion
Cryptic Network system support and adoption of value-added services. Design and execution of crypto certified clinics.
The Cryptic Network was introduced to the public in order to address common downfalls of inoperable medical systems.
Smart contract based management of assets with enhanced security and new investment opportunities
Payment Service
For payment service and decentralized exchange, demo of profit distribution mechanism on TestNet
Open Source
The open-source model is a decentralized software-development model that encourages open collaboration
Sign-Up Opens
Integrate with more blockchain protocols
Release first version of the Cryptic platformAPI gateway
Implement Cryptic's Identity Management System and Smart Contract Authorization System
Cryptic Network is built as a hybrid platform
Smart Contract Powered by Cryptic
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“Saya bersyukur dapat jumpa program pendidikan kripto Letslepak. Sebelum ni, saya tak faham sangat pasal kripto dan cara nak jana duit Tapi lepas belajar dengan Letslepak, ilmu yang diajar jelas dan mudah ikut. Sekarang saya lebih yakin nak buat duit dengan kripto. Terima kasih, Letslepak, kerana sediakan platform yang berkualiti dan bantu orang biasa macam saya buat keuntungan dengan kripto”
“Saya sangat hargai bimbingan dari Tuan Syed dan pasukan Letslepak! Sebelum ni saya minat kripto, tapi kurang keyakinan. Dengan tunjuk ajar Letslepak, bukan saja saya faham asas kripto, tapi juga dapat sokongan penuh untuk setiap langkah. Terima kasih, Tuan Syed, atas kesabaran dan ilmu yang sangat bernilai. Sekarang saya rasa lebih yakin dan nampak potensi besar dalam bidang ni!”
“Dulu saya ada sedikit pengalaman dalam kripto dan pemasaran online, tapi susah sangat nak nampak hasil. Lepas belajar dengan Letslepak, barulah saya mula nampak perkembangan dan hasil positif. Ilmu yang diajar jelas, praktikal, dan terus boleh guna. Terima kasih, Letslepak, kerana buka peluang untuk saya capai hasil yang sebenar!”
“Letslepak betul-betul ubah pandangan saya tentang kripto dan pemasaran online. Sebagai orang Sarawak, susah nak dapat akses ilmu berkualiti macam ni. Dengan bimbingan Letslepak, semua jadi lebih jelas dan mudah. Terima kasih Letslepak, sekarang saya lebih yakin dan mula nampak hasil!”